Entry: -
it takes 3 minutes to tell u i love you
it takes 3 year to convince you
it takes a lifetime to prove it
done by leumaS eeW ™


all about me!
17 yrs old
i am thinking of you




wishlist? =p
a lamborghini spyder
good grades without studying!
new mobile
dye a few strands of my hair purple!!
the perfect girl who has yet to appear in my life!


dark chocs
gaming dotA 24/7
talking to my angel;jac




June 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
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Y Thursday, September 27, 2007

my view

ok. listen to me. the ERP as most ppl would know is called the Electronic Road Pricing. as the government suggested (like seriously) is to reduce the traffic jams during peak hours. but duhh, look at the facts guys, do we still get traffic congestions? obvious answer. -.-

and the government in this 'dictator' move has decided to increase the amount for ERP charges. can u believe it. they believe that it'll help Singaporeans move their vehicles off the road faster. sit back, and imagine. which Singaporean being the 'Kiasu' type would pay for something and not make full use of it? lols. *examining myself* ^^

according to the LTA, for ppl who live in a shell, LTA stands for Land Transport Authority Of Singapore. sry if i'm offending ppl. i know ppl who nvr realise that SIA is a plane company. anyway, back to the LTA. according to them, traffic congestion affects the overall efficiency and productivity of the economy. somehow or rather, seeing is believing. i dun see a change in jams. LTA mention that the ERP is a key tool to manage congestion. i think its a way to rip us off. one way or the other. no insults to the government obviously. my personal view. in respect to the upcoming years of ERP increase. the ERP was also implemented to encourage ppl to use public transport rather thn their own vehicles. weird point. as such, they gave another point of stating that due to the economy growth, ppl demanding more vehicles or rather, more suitable ones. so and here it is, the ERP would be continually REVIEWED for EFFECTIVENESS, to take into account of the dynamic traffic conditions.

well, u guys may argue the very fact that the ERP does have its uses. however, i think there's more cons thn pros. the ERP may help traffic jams to move a lil faster if Singaporeans were more considerate. on second thoughts, when will that happen? *raised brows* the ERP must be implemented becos if there was a emergency vehicle coming down town and there was a jam, it could possibly risk that poor guy's life. i do agree that the ERP has its uses, but the increase in prices in a fact that i cant accept. jams may delay delivery vans and affect trades and jams waste the limited resource, oil. i know that Tokyo and Seoul have good public transport, but poor at controlling traffic and SG dont wan to follow their footsteps. fair enough.

but wad if. everyone were to follow the government rule and use the public transport, wad would to the car companies? if the companies fail, economy gets pull down as well, trades turnover are lesser too. and as u know, SG depends on exports and trade for their survival. if every Singaporean or rather the majority of them turn over to public transport, thn foreign companies would not want to invest in SG anymore. as in the sale of cars only. and thats a huge lost. but hey, look at this, SG will be named cleanest country all year round. -.- dots.

and since the LTA suggested that the ERP was to improve effectiveness, i'm just wondering. if there is a increase or ERP rates over the years, and traffic jams still occurs? wad are they gonna do? increase the rates higher? seriously. no Singaporean pays for something and no make full use of it. its like buying a wafer to curb that hunger but toss it away. zz.. get wad i mean. and if ERP rates are going higher, congestions will still occur. like i mention, if everyone turns to public transport, we need more buses. and u know bus drivers, are so careful abt the traffic lights. not one of them would risk their license revoke.

so my issue is that, even with the increase of ERP rates, its not going to help clear the traffic congestions. in fact, the government can continue increasing it and thn mayb learn their lesson the hard way. perhaps the population growth incident they tried to reduce, hadnt cause much impact in their policies. i'm not shooting the government of whatsoever. i'm in no position too. just raising some doubt. and look, Singapore is small.. in order to clear traffic, we need more lands. raising the rates wont help much cos Singapore is just simply SMALL.

btw, i dun drive and i dun own a vehicle.

i'm still wondering why i'm talking abt this, but whatever.

its just me.

only you;
2:46 PM


i'm back

hi peeps... yes, i'm back. but not for long. this is one of the few moments when i can bog. so lets bring some things up to date.

*updating in process*'

ok, sch's been really -.-.. get wad i mean? 58 more days to 'O's. how fun can that get? haha. seriously, i've receive tags abt this blog going inactive. cmon guys, u gotta understand that sch ends nearly 7pm? its really tiring enough not to mention abt coming home and BLOG.. o0

i dun wanna kill myself that soon yet. haha. anyw, some up to dates stuff. um, played in sch's interclass games. basketball and badminton. winning team for interclass in basketball, FIRST!! woo.. we rock. team efforts of cos. badminton is a lil more embarrassing. got 3rd only. >< lols.

than we had the teachers vs student match. basketball, we win the teachers.. wooooo...!! badminton got second for doubles. lols. bottom line, teachers are meant to teach textbook stuff only. cant excel in sports. except the P.E teachers. LOL. kidding. anyw, u shld see the way my chem teacher play. damn funny. i surf him the badminton ball to him, and in his despo attempt, he tried catching it. funny thin was, his a lil round here and there(get wad i mean?), thn he fell like a bowling pin. it was super uber funny. i laughed til i had stomach cramps.

i know, i'm kinda bad to do this to my teachers.. but once in a while, we need such fun? dun u think so? life's been great. things are going rather according to the 'plan'.. haha. well, besides all the good news and fun, there were bad ones as well. the chinese 'O' level results were released and i got D7.. damn.. chi is so -.-.. but nvm, i shall learn from this lessons.

really looking forward church camps. cheers.

its just me.

only you;
2:45 PM

Y Wednesday, September 5, 2007

life goes on

moving on...

ok, you guys surely look like a pair.

its all too surreal, a mirage. why do i even bother.

its just me.

only you;
11:53 AM