Entry: -
it takes 3 minutes to tell u i love you
it takes 3 year to convince you
it takes a lifetime to prove it
done by leumaS eeW ™


all about me!
17 yrs old
i am thinking of you




wishlist? =p
a lamborghini spyder
good grades without studying!
new mobile
dye a few strands of my hair purple!!
the perfect girl who has yet to appear in my life!


dark chocs
gaming dotA 24/7
talking to my angel;jac




June 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
October 2008
July 2009


~ Host ~

~ Design ~

Y Tuesday, May 20, 2008


and so it was fun. movie and arcade. and one thing u learn from the movie, nvr get to vegas. cos u FRIGGING get HITCHED. xD

so thats cool and we play KOF 2002. i rock, well at least without the big guy with that imbal ball. lol. and datona(how do ya spell it?!) was crap. i got auto 'drive' in for wheels repair? -.- and i lost by a lap. holy crap. so much for choosing automatic cars. but we had fun. and those bball shoot-outs. okay, we got scam. we had so little balls to shoot into the net. so obviously the score was, well crappy. and time crisis 4 is stupid. -__- firstly, its harder to control and i think the previous version are so much better la. at least u can 'spray'. not like time crisis 4. pathetic is the word for it.

the best 2 movie i guess would be 'what happened in vegas and made of honor'. well didn watch the latter, but seriously both are nice. and well, apparently her juniors 'ps' last minute. so it was me and her only. no show, haha. xD funny thing was, she was right. either way, i would still have started f_____g for her. but jeez, what can i say. been so long since someone actually made me have so much fun. if i think back, i truly regret the times when i neglect paying more attention. but hey, its not too bad now.

and we went to watch a little, as in seriously little la. but we visited this D.I.Y bear shop. cant rmbr the name. and it was cool. i liked a bear there. its called 'patchy' (well according to me, that is) and thn while exiting from the shop, we were checking out this cool elephant and the sale gal came to tell us that froggy was a new design. we walked over and 'roll eyes'.. what kinda toy is that. well, its funny but cool. and she said frogs are not green. well, theoretically, they are green. technically, their yellowish-green. and she said no, frogs are grey. right, isnt that a toad?! LOL.

and so, we went back to the arcade and played KOF again. this time, she used 4 coins and i used 1. which means, i'm good. =D i went back home, and thn i just simply thought abt the chains of events today. it was serious FUN! but hey, i felt a sense of remorse too. if only i had done all those in the past, things wouldnt have turn out like this. while walking around the arcade checking out the games, i was holding onto my blazer and her bag (well, the violent shaking of that stick and the unstoppable hitting of the buttons got me a lil worked out) and it felt all natural, like she was someone real close to me. i had impulses to simply hold her hand but i refrain. see, i'm a nice guy. LOL. jkjk.

so well, that was all that happened that day. its was nice. and well, exciting and adventurous and funny. and dont get to vegas unless u wont get drunk cos u'll propose to with a $1 ring from the vending machine. xD but i've just one question at the end of the day.. can we just go back to the past and start again? i promise never to repeat the same mistake again.

Happy 20th B'day my brother. =D

its just me.

only you;
10:44 AM